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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My Pray 4 u
May the hopes that u have
the plan that u make
the dream u see
4 your life , come 2 u in wonderful way.
My Request
There is a ocean of talent in u
there is a ocean of power in u
but there is a lack of confidence in u
so perish this luck and make yourself a winner.

My Advice
The deepest gloom hides the saving ray
of light in the womb of pain the body
of joy born in the failure of long run
the way of success comes out so never mind failure
raise with fresh vigor than everything is win by u
My View About U
the time that i spent with u
the day i spent with u
but i forgot the hat words that u say 2 me
can u forget me and my hat words that i say to u
Secret of Happiness
In this world
everything perished
everything perishes
everything will perish
but love,friendship,dream never perish
so make frindship with other
see dream 4 success
My Belief
U will get what u want
and u don't repeat history
but u make another history
which no one can broke.


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